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Childbirth Education

Our heart is to empower and speak life over women through childbirth education as they prepare for birth. It is our honor to be invited into your pregnancy and birth journey.


All classes are located at Beginnings Birth Center - 9475 Briar Village Point Suite 100

Image by freestocks

Childbirth Education Bundle Package


Join us for a 6 week education course including our Childbirth Education Course, Newborn Class, and Breastfeeding Class.

Course includes access to private online portal with educational documents and resources for your pregnancy and birth journey.



PRICE: $425

(Bundle Package available with Newborn & Breastfeeding classes for $425 - see below for class details) 

*Price includes most course materials*

**A $25 fee will be charged to attend classes split among two course sessions**


See below for upcoming course dates



Childbirth Education

In this course we discuss anatomy, stages of labor, what to expect in labor, breathing techniques, comfort measures, interventions, Informed Consent and more. We will also go over unexpected events and newborn care. You will complete this class feeling empowered and prepared, not bored or overwhelmed, with information.


Our 4 week, in-person, collaborative childbirth education course is taught by five doulas in Colorado Springs, each offering unique wisdom, experience and support. PlumTree Baby is our core curriculum, with elements from Birthing From Within, and hands-on relaxation and positioning techniques.


Course includes access to private online portal with educational documents and resources for your pregnancy and birth journey.



PRICE: $335

(Bundle Package available with Newborn & Breastfeeding classes for $425 - see below for class details) 

*Price includes most course materials*

**A $25 fee will be charged to attend classes split among two course sessions**


See below for upcoming course dates




Image by Jonathan Borba
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Newborn Class

The Newborn Class will prepare you for meeting your baby! It includes normal newborn appearance, behavior, sleep, health, and safety, as well as practical tips for caring for a newborn.


Class includes access to private online portal with education documents and resources.




PRICE: $65


See below for upcoming class dates



Breastfeeding Class

Start your breastfeeding journey off with confidence! This comprehensive class includes getting started, latching techniques and tips, milk transfer and supply, and pumping. We will share pro tips, address special circumstances, and when to seek professional help. Leave this class feeling prepared to nourish your baby comfortably.


Class includes access to private online portal with education documents and resources.




PRICE: $65


See below for upcoming class dates


Nursing Newborn

Comfort Measures &
Positioning Class

Join us for our Comfort Measures, Coping Techniques and Labor Positions class! In this single-evening class, we empower families with tools for coping well and facilitating a smoother, more comfortable labor.

Whatever your goals for birth, we aim for parents to understand how to flow with contractions, how various pelvic-opening positions are used to aid in labor progress, and for spouses and partners to learn crucial hands on techniques to enhance mom’s comfort and progress throughout labor.


This class is perfect as a stand alone refresher class if you’ve previously taken a childbirth education course, or if you do not need a full childbirth education course. 


Class includes access to private online portal with education documents and resources.



PRICE: $65


See below for upcoming class dates


Upcoming Courses/Classes

**A $25 fee will be charged to attend classes split among two course sessions**

6 week Childbirth Education Bundle

-Thursdays January 23-February 27 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursdays March 6-April 10 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Mondays  March 10 -April 21 (6:00-8:30pm) **No class April 7th**

-Thursdays April 17- May 22 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursdays May 29 - July 3 (6:00-8:30pm)



4 week Childbirth Education Course

-Thursdays March 6-March 27 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Mondays  March 10 -March 31 (6:00-8:30pm) 

-Thursdays April 17- May 8 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursdays May 29 - June 19 (6:00-8:30pm)


Newborn Class

-Thursday February 20 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursday April 3 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Monday April 14 (6:00-8:30pm) 

-Thursday May 15 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursday June 26 (6:00-8:30pm)


Breastfeeding Class

-Monday February 24 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursday February 27 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursday April 10 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Monday April 21 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursday May 22 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursday July 3 (6:00-8:30pm)



Comfort Measures & Positioning Class

-Thursday February 6 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursday March 20 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Monday March 24 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursday May 1 (6:00-8:30pm)

-Thursday June 12 (6:00-8:30pm)

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