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Mission & Values

Our mission at Empowered Life Birth Collective is to empower expectant parents with comprehensive, evidence-based education so that you can make informed decisions throughout your unique pregnancy, labor, and birth journey. We also provide compassionate doula support and a safe place for families to explore their options, ensuring they feel confident and empowered every step of the way.

Our Values

  1. Respect for the Sanctity of Life: Valuing and advocating for the inherent worth and dignity of every human being from conception to natural death.

  2. Empowerment through Education: Providing comprehensive and evidence-based childbirth education that equips expectant parents with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions throughout their pregnancy, labor, and birth.

  3. Holistic Care: Recognizing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenting. Providing support that addresses each of these dimensions in the whole person.

  4. Accessibility: Providing access to our services and programs to everyone from all walks of life. 

  5. Financial Accessibility: We believe that every family deserves access to high-quality childbirth education and doula support, regardless of their financial circumstances. We offer partial scholarship programs to those who qualify to ensure that our services are available to all, recognizing that financial barriers should never stand in the way of receiving the care and support you deserve. Apply for a scholarship HERE. To donate to our scholarship fund to support women in their pregnancy and birth journey, click HERE.

  6. Advocacy for Maternal Health: Supporting policies and practices that prioritize the health and well-being of both mothers and babies throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.

  7.  Collaboration with Healthcare Professionals: Working in partnership with medical practitioners to provide a holistic approach to pregnancy and childbirth care, while respecting medical expertise.

  8. Emphasis on Emotional Well-being: Recognizing the importance of mental and emotional health during the perinatal period, and offering resources and support for mental well-being.

  9. Community Building: Fostering a sense of belonging and connection among expectant parents, providing a supportive network that extends beyond the immediate birth experience.

  10. Continuous Professional Development: Committing to ongoing education and training for our doulas and educators to ensure that they are equipped with the most up-to-date knowledge and skills.

  11. From our Neighborhoods to the Nations: Our value of seeing quality childbirth education and doula support reaches across the globe. A portion of every student’s fees goes towards training doulas and childbirth educators and funding women’s health education in Kyrgyzstan. Click HERE for more info.

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